Cancer Sucks!



In 2015, the Gibs Grooming family was hit directly when Big Smooth’s wife, Steph, was diagnosed with a unique form of cancer. Mike was the best father he could be for his kids and the ultimate advocate for the woman he loved. Last fall, Steph lost her life and everyone on Team GIBS lost a friend. And a little bit of their heart . 

Upon Steph's diagnosis, we created this space. We knew we weren't alone, and we knew so many others had "Stephs" in their lives they need to celebrate. Cancer doesn't affect its victim. It riles a family and ripples through friends, coworkers, a network and even a young brand's social media.

Steph is gone, but her spirit is not. We've used this page to raise money for cancer awareness and talk about losses and survival and tears and tragedy. That's the silver lining. So the page stays. Your stories honoring your Stephs are welcomed and encouraged. 

I am a cancer kid, my father beat prostate cancer twice. My mother had a 70% percent chance of dying from breast cancer. She beat it.  Movember, No Shave November, Pink Ribbons and more...

We at GIBS Grooming are those true stories. There is not a single hand you can shake today which hasn’t been touched by cancer. Let's keep talking about it. 

Cancer sucks. Cancer sucks big time.

 - Gib